Wednesday, December 20, 2006
"One must be poor to know the luxury of giving."
-George Eliot

I agree with this quote, it's similar to the saying you'll never know the taste of sweet if you haven't had sour. It is a very benevolent thing this family is doing. It sets a good example to other families, and it kind of asks other families of the community to step up to the plate and help give to the community. This is a a good thing that this family is doing, it makes Gowanda look good.

Monday, December 04, 2006

computers are running slow again.

For the last 20minutes I have been attempting to access a link to "The Secret Letter From Iraq", so I could read this passage and compare it to the story of Billy Pilgrim, one of the main characters of the book Slaughter House Five. My computer however refuses to present this page to me, so I will make a valliant attempt to make this comparison without actually reading the passage.

posted by mellowgerman @ 9:26 AM 0 comments

I feel ya on this one. I know what it feels like to be waiting for the internet explorer homepage to set up. It frustrates me as I know it must frustrate others. The impatient waiting of the slow computers in the maclab. It almost seems we are in some kinda of time paradox that we can not escape where we are helpless.
As we, students sit next to each other waiting for our computers to load. Looking at each others monitors as if it's some contest to see who's loads first. But in the time being we socialize ask one another about their weekend. As if we were really interested, but really were not just wasting time and killing the awkard silences of two people sitting next to each other.